Andy Wilkinson
Lubbock | Singer and Songwriter
Andy Wilkinson brings a varied background of college and graduate school, of a dozen years as a policeman, and an equal stretch as a businessman to his work as a full-time writer and singer of contemporary western folk music, as well as a poet, playwright and teacher. He has recorded four albums of music and poetry on the Grey Horse label: “Charlie Goodnight” (1994), “The Road is Still the Road” (1996), “Storyteller” (1998), and “An Ordinary Christmas” (2000), written two plays, “Charlie Goodnight’s last Night”, and “My Cowboy’s Gift”, and taught song-writing and multi-disciplinary creative seminars at Texas Tech University. His creative work recounts the long human occupation of the Panhandle from Native American days to that of the modern cotton farmer and oilfield worker, and celebrates the unique character and special value of the High Plains’ shortgrass prairie, open skies, and deep Ogallala aquifer.
Interview Information
October 11, 2002Lubbock, Texas
Reels 2237 and 2238