Col. Jim Stinebaugh
Austin | Law Enforcement Officer and Director

Col. Stinebaugh served as Director of Law Enforcement at Texas Parks and Wildlife from 2001 through 2005. From 1967 to 1971, he was a Texas Game Warden in south Texas, and later, from 1973 through 2000, he served as a Special Agent with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service on various assignments throughout Texas and the Southwest. In enforcing laws protecting game and wildlife, he has worked cases involving defendants poaching deer, smuggling parrots, killing threatened or endangered species (pronghorn antelope, whooping cranes, golden and bald eagles), killing protected migratory birds (such as those lost in uncovered oil pits), using illegal hunting methods (helicopters and automobiles) and other offenses.
Interview Information
April 11, 2002Austin, Texas
Reels 2180, 2181, and 2182