Evangeline Whorton
Eagle Lake | Artist

Mrs. Whorton is an artist who has volunteered her time to work on historic conservation, archeological research, billboard control, wetland restoration, and other efforts. During the 1970s, a number of the historic Strand buildings were faced with demolition. To recognize their value and preserve their future, she served on the board of the Galveston Historical Foundation, where she helped document more than 300 19th century buildings in Galveston, and also promoted their history and beauty through the “Dickens on the Strand” festival. In the mid ’70s, she also participated in an archeological excavation on Galveston Island’s Eckert Bayou which found 16th century remains, possibly related to the Cabeza de Vaca expedition. The Eckert Bayou archeological site and wetland area was faced at this time with harm by the Lafitte’s Cove residential development. Understanding the fragility of much of the built and natural heritage of the Island, Mrs. Whorton founded Scenic Galveston in 1992. In the years since, Scenic Galveston and Mrs. Whorton have been involved in protection and restoration of 2500 acres of intertidal salt marsh and coastal prairie at the northwestern approach to the Island, as well as the control of unsightly billboards and lights in the same area.
Interview Information
February 26, 2008Eagle Lake, Texas
Reels 2412, 2413