Joe Moore, Jr.
San Marcos | Governmental Official, Teacher
Mr. Moore was involved in conservation in Texas and throughout the US as a governmental official and teacher at a variety of institutions. In his governmental roles, he served as Executive Director of the Industrial Accident Board, Executive Director of the Texas Water Development Board, Chairman of the Texas Water Quality Board, Commissioner of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Program Director of the National Commission on Water Quality, and Monitor of the lawsuit involving endangered species and groundwater withdrawals in the Edwards Aquifer, Sierra Club v. Bruce Babbit, et al. As a teacher, he worked as Director of the Office of Research at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, Program Head and Professor in the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas, and as Distinguished Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at Texas State University.
Interview Information
June 22, 1999San Marcos, Texas
Reel 2017 and 2018