Ned Fritz
Dallas | Attorney

For many years, Mr. Fritz carried on a full private practice as a consumer credit attorney, while also managing to participate in a variety of Texas conservation efforts. For example, he helped build several of the key environmental groups in the Texas, from local groups such as the Dallas Audubon Society, to statewide organizations such as the Texas Land Conservancy (formerly the Natural Area Preservation Association), the Texas Conservation Alliance (once called the Texas Committee on Natural Resources), and the Texas chapter of the Nature Conservancy, in addition to national groups like the Forest Reform Network. Throughout, Mr. Fritz was also active as an environmental attorney: he filed the first lawsuit under the National Environmental Policy Act, and was diligent in using the Endangered Species Act and National Forest Management Reform Act as tools to protect the Texas National Forests from clearcutting. Finally, he was one of the key citizen activists who have been responsible for the acquisition of the Big Thicket National Preserve.
Interview Information
by J.B. Smallwood, Jr.February 7, 1983
Dallas, Texas
by David Todd
May 17, 1997
Dallas, Texas
by Sandra Skrei and Craig Damuth
June 17, 1999
Dallas, Texas
by David Todd
October 17, 2000
Dallas, Texas