Pat Johnson
Fayetteville | Artist
Ms Johnson is an artist working in ceramics, tile and paper. Also, she has long been involved in civic affairs, ranging from serving as precinct judge, to working on environmental matters. Her environmental work included helping organize and lead the non-profit group, Fayette County Resource Watch, which successfully pressed the Lower Colorado River Authority to cancel the Cummins Creek operation, a large lignite surface mine and power plant, in 1989. She was also involved with a public interest group, Clear Clean Colorado River, in persuading the City of Austin to improve their sewage treatment during the late 1980s to protect habitat and users in downstream reaches of the Colorado River. During more recent years, she has been engaged in opposing large-scale residential development slated for Fayetteville, the small, historic community where she has lived since the 1970s.
Interview Information
February 24, 2008Fayetteville, Texas
Reel 2407