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Pat Suter

Corpus Christi | Professor

A professor of chemistry who taught at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Ms. Suter was involved in regional conservation through the Coastal Bend Sierra Club, Coastal Bend Audubon Society, Coastal Bend Bays Foundation, Corpus Christi Botanical Society, and a number of governmental boards. Her interest focused on coastal issues, including freshwater supply questions (Lake Texana, Choke Canyon Reservoir), estuary circulation problems (Kennedy Causeway, Packery Channel), spoil disposal (Lower Laguna Madre Intracoastal Waterway), and shore development (Mustang Island, Tandy, Flower Bluff).

Interview Information

March 2, 1997
Corpus Christi, Texas
Reel 1006

Excerpted Videos

Excerpt 1