Tim Hixon
San Antonio | Developer, Rancher, Philanthropist

Mr. Hixon is a businessman, rancher and philanthropist, who has put a conservation ethic into many parts of his life and work. He serves as Chairman of Hixon Properties, seeking to redevelop downtown properties, and lower the pressure for sprawl. He is also an owner of Hixon Land and Cattle Company which has worked to introduce intensive rotational grazing and prescribed burns into the management of ranchlands in Idaho and south Texas. Aside from his business interests, he is well known for generous support and long-term leadership among a number of international, national, and state conservation groups, including the African Wildlife Foundation, Boone and Crockett Club, Game Conservation International, Hornocker Wildlife Institute, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Nature Conservancy, Parks and Wildlife Foundation of Texas, San Antonio Zoological Society, and the Texas Wildlife Association. He also has been involved in state government, serving on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission from 1989 through 1995, acting as its Vice Chair from 1989-90. He was active while on the Commission and in private life in assembling the 9000-acre Government Canyon State Natural Area, through an unusual partnership among Texas Parks and Wildlife, and the Edwards Aquifer Authority, San Antonio Water System, Trust for Public Land, and federal Land and Water Conservation Fund. Government Canyon is a Hill Country preserve on the Edwards Escarpment that holds key habitat for rare species, such as the golden-cheeked warbler, essential recharge lands for the Edwards Aquifer, and much-needed recreational space just 16 miles from downtown San Antonio.
Interview Information
February 15, 2006San Antonio, Texas
Reels 2334 and 2335