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Robert McCurdy

Mr. McCurdy is a landowner, angler, hunter, and friend of the Nature Conservancy in Texas. He has been involved in a number of conservation efforts over the years, including donation of land on Caddo Lake in Northeast Texas, and helping protect the Canon and Oasis Ranches, near Independence Creek in the Trans Pecos. A staunch supporter of clean waters, he opened the Austin Angler, the first fly-fishing shop in Texas, and also headed the Clear Clean Colorado River Association, an NGO fighting to improve Austin’s wastewater discharges.

Robin Schneider

Since the year 2000, Ms Schneider has served as executive director of the lobbying and organizing 501(c)(4) group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment (TCE), and its (c)(3) research and education arm, the Texas Campaign for the Environment Fund. TCE runs a door-to-door canvass with a presence in 181 state legislative districts in Texas, educating citizens and building support for environmental efforts. The Campaign has worked on a variety of topics, including Zero Waste promotion, landfill opposition, citizen complaint handling, retail businesses’ toxic chemical management, air pollution grandfathered exemptions, electronic waste recycling, municipal composting, oil and gas drilling rules, and toxic waste site cleanup standards.

Jim Marston

Mr. Marston is an environmental attorney. He began his career in 1979 as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Texas, working in the Environmental Protection Division. Then, from 1980 through 1988, he was a partner in the private law firm of Doggett, Jacks, Marston and Perlmutter. In 1988, he opened the Environmental Defense Fund office in Texas, where he worked through 2020, focusing on climate, energy, air pollution, and a wide variety of other conservation efforts. At EDF, he was especially active in designing and arguing for the Texas Renewable Portfolio Standard, which helped drive a boom in wind and solar energy in the state. He also was a key player in the fight to stop the utility TXU from building a dozen coal plants in Texas. Outside of EDF, he has been an active volunteer with Pecan Street, a partnership among Austin Energy, UT, the Austin Chamber, and a number of high-tech companies to reform the U.S. electrical grid. Some of his other board roles include serving as the president of the Texas League of Conservation Voters, vice chair of the Texas Ethics Commission, chair of the board of the Texas Observer, and a trustee for Texas Watch, Texas Rural Legal Aid, Texas Citizens Action, and other groups. He has also been engaged outside of Texas, especially with promoting climate-related car legislation in California, and in improving  greenhouse emission regulations nationwide.

Karen Hadden

Ms Hadden has served as the executive director of the SEED [Sustainable Energy and Economic Development] Coalition since 2000. Her work has focused on the intersection of energy and environmental concerns, and has included efforts to block coal plants, to reduce mercury emissions from power facilities, to warn the public about mercury-laden fish consumption, to organize opposition to the re-licensing of the Comanche Peak and South Texas nuclear power plants, to support construction of solar panel arrays, to improve energy efficiency and conservation in affordable housing, and to fight misguided proposals to transport and dispose radioactive waste. From 1980 to 1999, before beginning her work as an advocate at the SEED Coalition, she taught science to middle and high school students, leading courses in physics, biology, astronomy, anatomy, physiology and chemistry, sponsoring science clubs and fairs, and organizing field trips.

Shannon Davies

Dr. Davies holds a PhD in American Civilization from the University of Texas at Austin, and has had a career in editing and publishing books and journals, many of them about natural resource and conservation topics. She served as the Director of Texas A&M University Press, where she earlier worked as Editor-in-Chief and as the Merrick Editor for the Natural Environment. Prior to working at Texas A&M, she served as Founding Editor and Publisher of Texas Birds, a publication of the Texas Ornithological Society, as well as the Science Editor and Editorial Fellow for the University of Texas Press. In those capacities, she has worked with a number of funders and dozens of authors to bring scores of books and articles about the natural world to the public. The works have touched on a variety of conservation subjects, including water, wildlife, energy, public lands, forests, agriculture, and environmental history. She has also helped support writers through her service on the boards of two residencies for artists: the Madrono Ranch: A Center for Writing, Art, and the Environment, and the Thinking like a Mountain Foundation.

Bill Carr

Mr. Carr is a noted field botanist who has worked on plant inventories, surveys and protection efforts for Texas Parks and Wildlife (Natural Heritage Program), the Nature Conservancy of Texas, and his own firm, Acme Botanical Services. He has collected more than 37,000 plant specimens, with more than 15,000 catalogued at the herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin, to improve the understanding of plant distributions across the Southwest. As well, he was a co-author, with Jackie Poole, Jason Singhurst, and Dana Price on the reference volume, Rare Plants of Texas (Texas A&M University Press 2007), and has made contributions to a number of journals, including Lundelia, Sida, and the Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.

Lon Burnam

Mr. Burnam served in the Texas House of Representatives from 1992 through 2016 as a delegate from the Fort Worth area. He had a seat on the Energy Resource Committee, as well as the Environmental Regulation and Public Safety Committee. He was a strong advocate for conservation in the House, introducing and co-sponsoring  numerous bills related to energy conservation, air quality, water protection, and civic engagement. Prior to holding elective office, he worked for Texas Citizen Action and the Dallas Peace Center. Mr. Burnam has also volunteered with a number of non-profit public-interest groups, such as Public Citizen, Texas Campaign for the Environment, Preservation Dallas and the Tarrant County Historical Society.

Terry McIntire

Mr. McIntire is part of a large extended family that has farmed and ranched in the Paluxy River valley, near Glen Rose, for many generations. He helped organize his family, neighbors and friends into a group known as Save the Paluxy Dinosaur Valley, that was successful in efforts to defeat plans to dam the Paluxy, one of the few free-flowing rivers left in Texas. In more recent years, he has also been active with the Fort Worth chapter of the Sierra Club in working to stop the pollution of the Paluxy, Bosque and other rivers that drain confined animal feeding operations, typically large-scale industrial dairies.

John Bryant

The Honorable John Bryant has served in both the Texas and the United States House of Representatives, as a Democrat representing constituents in Dallas. Throughout, he was known as a staunch environmentalist, with consistently high ratings from the League of Conservation Voters and particular strength in forest protection efforts, as in his sponsorship of the Forest Biodiversity Act and his leadership in getting more than 34,000 acres in East Texas designated as wilderness. Mr. Bryant is now retired from Congress and works as an attorney on toxic tort claims and other cases.

Alma Burnam

Mrs. Burnam was a school teacher in the Fort Worth elementary schools who also served as an active officer in the Fort Worth regional group of the Audubon Society and in the Fort Worth and Lone Star chapters of the Sierra Club. As well, she followed legislation for several trade groups, and was instrumental in organizing the successful state House campaign of her son Lon Burnam, who went on to be an outspoken champion in the Legislature for environmental causes.